
中文部分由 阿新(Seraph Chutium) http://com.6to23.com/ 补充


This year, the current network has been breached by hackers, computer worms and viruses.
In April, government Web sites were manipulated by Chinese hackers angered
by the death of a Chinese pilot in a collision with an American spy plane. 这段话看了比较欣慰!
The system was also roughed up by the "Code Red" computer worm and an attack program called "ILoveYou."
The viruses affected thousands of government computers.
文章的后面 Kurtz 说即使有这样的网络,攻击或病毒仍然可以通过软盘和可信任的内部系统中传播。一位现在美国国防部的信息安全项目主管(information-security program director at the Defense Department 不知道是不是这个意思)说,要想在internet上完全阻止一个经验丰富的黑客或者设计精巧的病毒是几乎不可能的。

U.S. Seeks to Build Secure Online Network
Telecom Firms Asked for Help in Constructing Private 'Govnet' System

By Krissah Williams
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 11, 2001; Page A10

The government's new cyber-security officials yesterday asked telecommunications companies for help building a government computer network that would have "no risk of outside penetration" -- a task some computer security consultants say is nearly impossible.

Plans for the private network, called Govnet, hinge on whether a reliable network infrastructure can be built at an affordable price, officials said. Computer system consultants said they could not estimate how much the network would cost because of the government's enormous size and security needs.

Richard Clarke, who was appointed special adviser to the president for cyberspace security this week, said he believes a more reliable system can be built. Ninety percent of available fiber-optic space is unused and fairly inexpensive to obtain, he said.

Govnet is part of a plan Clarke announced earlier this week "to secure our cyberspace from a range of possible threats, from hackers to criminals to terrorist groups, to foreign nations, which might use cyber-war against us in the future." Govnet would be completely independent from the Internet to help keep out hackers and viruses, according to the government's plan.

The request from the General Services Administration asks that telecommunications companies submit proposals about how the network could be built, how much it would cost, and how long it would take to construct.

"Based upon that we will make a decision. We're waiting to hear from industry right now," Clarke said.

This year, the current network has been breached by hackers, computer worms and viruses. In April, government Web sites were manipulated by Chinese hackers angered by the death of a Chinese pilot in a collision with an American spy plane. The system was also roughed up by the "Code Red" computer worm and an attack program called "ILoveYou." The viruses affected thousands of government computers.

Last year a report by the General Accounting Office, an internal government watchdog, found weaknesses in the computer network that could allow terrorists or hackers to "severly damage or disrupt national defense or vital public operations or steal sensitive data."

Clarke said the government's current virtual private network is vulnerable to viruses and denial of service attacks that Govnet would make more difficult to execute.

George Kurtz, co-author of "Hacking Exposed" and chief executive of security consulting firm Foundstone Inc., said such a network is feasible but would be costly and difficult to build. It is impossible to stave off all attacks, he said.

"The gist of this entire effort is to try to segment critical government computer systems from the rest of the Internet," Kurtz said. "You can't guarantee against these sort of attacks. There is always going to be a flaw with software, a flaw with hardware or the human element."

Even on Govnet, viruses and attacks could still be spread by floppy disks or connections with trusted systems, Kurtz said.

An internal network, such as the Govnet proposal, is worth investigating but will probably fall to sophisticated hackers, said Amit Yoran, chief executive of security-services company Riptech Inc. and a former information-security program director at the Defense Department.

"It is probably more feasible to implement and strongly enforce global security postures and practices rather than go out and purchase new assets," Yoran said. "Once someone is able to get in, they will find a weak link. When you have a network the size of the government's there will be weak links. Someone will get in."


至于那个“News Article Pertaining to GOVnet”就是上面那篇华盛顿邮报的文章。

		==>  'An Insightful Look at the GOVnet Network'  <==

 ==> By: m4chine
 ==> Date: 10/12/01
 ==> E-mail: m4chine@fucktelus.com



   indeX =>  

    -> Introduction

    -> GOVnet's Purpose

    -> GOVnet's Origin

    -> Dial-In Prefixes

    -> News Article Pertaining to GOVnet

    -> Conclusion


  Introduction -

  GOVnet is the name given to the network infrastructure which serves government offices in
Montpelier and Waterbury as well as district offices in twelve cities and towns statewide. In
the near future the Whitehouse and the DOD will be adopting this network for nation-wide usage.

The physical backbone consists of fiber optic cable connecting state buildings on the Montpelier
and Waterbury campuses as well as high-bandwidth digital circuits connecting district offices
statewide. The wide-area backbone is divided into OSPF regions with at least one alternative
route for each link. From the backbone nodes, 56 Kbps backfeeds serve other government offices,
schools, and libraries statewide.

In addition there are dial-in sites located in every local calling area of the state facilitating
network access with a local phone call from any school or library in the state that elects to have
dial-in access. SLIP and PPP access, as well as VT100 access, are supported on a dial-in basis.

The network uses the "open" non-proprietary TCP/IP communications protocol which permits connectivity
throughout the state, the nation and the world.

Network services include Internet access, government-wide e-mail, and WWW access to government.


  GOVnet's Purpose -

  GOVnet was implemented to meet the twofold network challenge of improved access with reduced costs.
The network provides for complete inter-agency and inter-departmental information access through a single
system serving all agencies on a cooperative basis. This eliminates the need for each agency or department
to provide redundant networks involving duplicate costs.


  GOVnet's Origin -

  The Vermont Information Strategy Plan (VISP) identified the requirement for information sharing and
networking in two of the critical success factors associated with its objectives. The Information Systems
Advisory Council (ISAC), which was created by VISP (now called IRMAC), was commissioned by the Telecommun-
ication Ten-Year Plan to form a network subcommittee to "develop a plan to integrate network services where
such sharing is valuable for information sharing among government agencies (and) where it is designed and
implemented with the participation and unanimous approval of ISAC."

For a detailed analysis of GOVnet, including a chronology, see the Legislative Joint Fiscal Office's GOVnet.


  Dial-In Prefixes -

  The list below shows the local dial-in site(s) serving each telephone exchange in the State.
For the telephone number of a specific GOVnet dial-in site, wardial the motherfuckin' prefix
or social engineer the technology coordinator of the department.

Dial-In Sites by Telephone Exchange Telephone Exchange Dial-In Site(s):
    222 (Bradford) Bradford 
    223 (Montpelier) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    226 (Proctor) Springfield 
    228 (Ludlow) South Londonderry 
    229 (Montpelier) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    234 (Bethel) Randolph, Rutland, Woodstock 
    235 (Middle Town Springs) Rutland, Wells 
    241, 244 (Waterbury) Montpelier 
    247 (Brandon) Middlebury, Rutland 
    253 (Stowe) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    254, 257, 258 (Brattleboro) Brattleboro 
    259 (Mount Holly) Rutland, South Londonderry 
    263 (Perkinsville) Springfield 
    265 (Fair Haven) Rutland 
    266 (Canaan) Canaan 
    273 (Hubbardton) Rutland 
    276 (Brookfield) Montpelier, Randolph 
    277 (Lemington) Canaan 
    285 (Franklin) St. Albans 
    287 (Poultney) Rutland, Wells 
    291 (White River Junction) White River Junction, Woodstock 
    293 (Danby) Rutland, South Londonderry
    295, 296 (White River Junction) White River Junction, Woodstock 
    325 (Pawlet) Rutland, Wells 
    326 (Montgomery) St. Albans 
    328 (Guildhall) Island Pond 
    333 (Fairlee) Bradford 
    334 (Newport) Newport 
    348 (Williamsville) Brattleboro 
    352 (Salisbury) Middlebury
    362 (Manchester) Bennington, South Londonderry 
    365 (Newfane) Brattleboro 
    368 (Jacksonville) Brattleboro 
    371 (Montpelier) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    372 (Grand Isle) Burlington, St. Albans 
    375 (Arlington) Bennington, Londonderry 
    387 (Putney) Brattleboro 
    388 (Middlebury) Middlebury 
    394 (Rupert) Bennington, Wells 
    422 (Sherburne) Rutland, Woodstock 
    423 (Readsboro) Bennington 
    425 (Charlotte) Burlington 
    426 (Marshfield) Montpelier 
    429 (West Newbury) Bradford 
    433 (Williamstown) Montpelier, Randolph 
    434 (Richmond) Burlington 
    436 (Hartland) White River Junction, Woodstock 
    438 (West Rutland) Rutland 
    439 (East Corinth) Bradford 
    442 (Bennington) Bennington 
    446 (Wallingford) Rutland 
    447 (Bennington) Bennington 
    453 (Bristol) Middlebury 
    454 (Plainfield) Montpelier 
    456 (East Calais) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    457 (Woodstock) White River Junction, Woodstock 
    459 (Proctor) Rutland 
    462 (Cornwall) Middlebury 
    463 (Bellows Falls) Bellows Falls, Springfield 
    464 (Wilmington) Bennington, Brattleboro 
    467 (West Burke) Island Pond, St. Johnsbury 
    468 (Castleton) Rutland 
    472 (Hardwick) Montpelier, Morrisville, St. Johnsbury 
    475 (Panton) Middlebury 
    476, 479 (Barre) Montpelier 
    482 (Hinesburg) Burlington 
    483 (Pittsford) Rutland 
    484 (Reading) Woodstock 
    485 (Northfield) Montpelier, Randolph 
    492 (Cuttingsville) Rutland 
    496 (Waitsfield) Middlebury, Montpelier, Randolph 
    524 (St. Albans) St. Albans 
    525 (Barton) Island Pond, Newport 
    527 (St. Albans) St. Albans 
    533 (Greensboro) Morrisville, St. Johnsbury 
    537 (Benson) Rutland 
    545 (Weybridge) Middlebury 
    546 (Weathersfield) Springfield 
    563 (Cabot) Montpelier, St. Johnsbury 
    583 (Waitsfield) Middlebury, Montpelier, Randolph 
    584 (Groton) Bradford 
    586 (Craftsbury) Morrisville 
    586 (Greensboro) Morrisville, St. Johnsbury 
    592 (Peacham) St. Johnsbury 
    623 (Whiting) Middlebury 
    626 (Lyndonville) St. Johnsbury 
    633 (Barnet) St. Johnsbury 
    635 (Johnson) Morrisville 
    644 (Jeffersonville) Morrisville 
    645 (Wells) Wells 
    649 (Norwich) White River Junction, Woodstock 
    651, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 660 (Burlington) Burlington 
    672 (Bridgewater) Woodstock 
    674 (Windsor) Springfield, White River Junction, Woodstock 
    676 (Maidstone) Island Pond 
    684 (Danville) St. Johnsbury 
    685 (Chelsea) Randolph 
    694 (Stamford) Bennington 
    695 (Concord) St. Johnsbury 
    722 (Westminster) Bellows Falls 
    723 (Island Pond) Island Pond, Newport 
    728 (Randolph) Randolph 
    744 (Troy) Newport 
    746 (Pittsfield) Rutland 
    747 (Rutland) Rutland 
    748, 751 (St. Johnsbury) St. Johnsbury 
    754 (Orleans) Island Pond, Newport 
    755 (Albany) Morrisville, Newport 
    757 (Wells River) St. Johnsbury 
    758 (Bridport) Middlebury 
    759 (Addison) Middlebury 
    763 (South Royalton) Randolph, White River Junction, Woodstock 
    765 (South Strafford) White River Junction 
    766 (Derby) Newport 
    767 (Rochester) Middlebury, Randolph 
    769 (Essex Junction) Burlington 
    770, 772, 773, 775 (Rutland) Rutland 
    785 (Thetford) White River Junction 
    786 (Rutland) Rutland 
    796 (Alburg) St. Albans 
    822 (Island Pond) Island Pond 
    822 (Norton) Canaan, Island Pond 
    823 (Pownal) Bennington 
    824 (South Londonderry) South Londonderry 
    827 (East Fairfield) St. Albans 
    828 (Montpelier) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    843 (Grafton) Bellows Falls, South Londonderry 
    848 (Richford) St. Albans 
    849 (Fairfax) St. Albans 
    860, 862, 863, 864 (Burlington) Burlington 
    866 (Newbury) Bradford
    867 (Dorset) Bennington 
    868 (Swanton) St. Albans 
    869 (Saxtons River) Bellows Falls, Springfield 
    871, 872 (Essex Junction) Burlington 
    873 (Derby Line) Newport 
    874 (Jamaica) Brattleboro, South Londonderry 
    875 (Chester) Bellows Falls, Springfield, South Londonderry 
    877 (Vergennes) Middlebury 
    878, 879 (Essex Junction) Burlington 
    883 (Barre) Montpelier 
    883 (Washington) Montpelier 
    885, 886 (Springfield) Bellows Falls, Springfield 
    888 (Morrisville) Montpelier, Morrisville 
    889 (Tunbridge) Randolph 
    899 (Underhill) Burlington 
    892 (Lunenburg) Guildhall 
    893 (Milton) Burlington, St. Albans 
    895 (Morgan) Island Pond, Newport 
    896 (Wardsboro) Bennington, Brattleboro, South Londonderry 
    897 (Shoreham) Middlebury 
    928 (Isle La Motte) St. Albans 
    933 (Enosburg Falls) St. Albans 
    948 (Orwell) Middlebury 
    962 (Bloomfield) Island Pond 
    988 (North Troy) Newport 

  Conclusion -

  This is what the US Government gets for publically releasing documentation on the Internet about
their so-called "secret" and "private" network... I know you'll have a few good laughs about that one
(I know I did). Love, Peace, And Afro Grease!