
默认当前窗口打开,如需新窗口打开,请在超链接上按下 SHIFT 然后点击鼠标左键
Hold down SHIFT and then hit the mouse button to get something in a new window.

CSDN; 2001; HTML

The Magic Cauldron; 2001; HTML
《教堂和集市》(The Cathedral & the Bazaar) 新版第五章

Eric Raymond访谈录——谈再版《教堂和集市》; 2001; HTML
由Eric Raymond编著的《教堂和集市》(The Cathedral & the Bazaar)

《教堂和集市》第一版; 2000; HTML
Eric Raymond编著的《教堂和集市》第一版。

Source Codes

默认当前窗口打开,如需新窗口打开,请在超链接上按下 SHIFT 然后点击鼠标左键
Hold down SHIFT and then hit the mouse button to get something in a new window.最近中了个小木马,用古老的AVP查了一下似乎不能清除,于是用IDA简单分析了一下。把分析结果和清除程序放上。 这里是压缩包中的文件清单。一并写了份分析并清除的基本方法
cd3fix.zipCisco 的红色代码清除程序及VB6源代码下载。修复的详细过程请参看本站文章
codered2.zip在 CodeRed 蠕虫病毒大肆攻击欧美服务器后,出现着重攻击中国的变种 CodeRedII 病毒。这里是它的病毒程序下载
codered.zip新浪科技报道:美国白宫官方网站遭到“代号红色”病毒攻击。 这里是它的介绍、及病毒程序下载
chatvc.zip又是一个聊天的演示程序,这个是Visual C++编译的,应程序员俱乐部的yes老兄放上来的。
chat.zip一个用C++Builder写的简单的聊天软件,帮助大家理解TCP/IP协议在C++中的应用。 (含源代码)
registry.zip很久以前我写的一个用 VB编写的隐藏驱动器盘符、桌面等的程序 内附修复说明,请认真阅读后执行此程序!


1.  Module Name: IpArp.exe + source
    Description: This sample demonstrates the use of IP Helper
    functions to manipulate ARP cache.

2.  Module Name: IpChange.exe + source
    This sample illustrates how to programmatically change an IP address for
    a specific network adapter on your machine.This program also demonstrates
    how to retrieve existing network adapter IP configuration information.

3.  Module Name: IpConfig.exe + source
    This sample illustrates how to programmatically retrieve IP configuration
    information similar to the ipconfig.exe utility.

4.  Module Name: IpRenew.exe + source
    This sample illustrates how to programmatically release and renew IP addresses
    obtained through DHCP.This program also demonstrates how to retrieve existing
    network adapter configuration information.

5.  Module Name: IpRoute.exe + source
    Description: This sample demonstrates the use of IP Helper API
    functions to manipulate the routing table.

6.  Module Name: IpStat.exe + source
    Description: This sample demonstrates the use of IP Helper APIs to
    get IP statistics.

上面这六个程序[Download ALl]


7.  几个关于NetBIOS进行远程可视化操作的代码
    Demonstrates connectionless (datagram) communications using NetBios calls.
    The example can run as a sender or as a receiver.
    With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

8.  使用Win32 File I/O API进行远程共享主机的文件操作的代码
    Using the Win32 I/O API to directly create and write to a file on a remote share.
    With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

9.  通过mailsolt进行信息交换的代码
    Demonstrates creating a mailslot and receiving/writing a message.
    With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

10.  创建一个通信服务管道进行数据通讯
     To run the namepipe sample, start the pipe server first,and then start
     the pipe client to connect and send a test message to the server.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

11.  查看本地计算机所有协议的代码,极全,并且列出了详尽的协议信息!
     View local machine internet protocol information.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

12.  一个是列举红外线设备的例子,另一个是返回当前工作站上的AppleTalk zone的程序。
     one is Enumerate infrared devices.
     and another is Returns information about AppleTalk names or looks up zone.
     两个C语言写的,[Download ALl]

13.  多种网路传输协议的演示代码,包括NetBIOS、UDP、TCP、IPX-SPX、ATM,还有红外线IrDA和Apple Talk……
     Sample code of NetBIOS, UDP, TCP, IPX-SPX, ATM, IrDA, Apple Talk protocol.
     With TCP and UDP's VB Source. [Download ALl]

14.  列举使用不同模块编写简单echo server的例子。
     Illustrates how to develop a simple echo server Winsock application with different models.
     几个C++语言写的文件,[Download ALl]

15.  Demonstrates the usage of Winsock 2 raw socket and new Win2000 ioctl code
     mutlicast packets, and IGMP packets.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl] 有1.32Mb……

16.  dnsquery.exe, enumns.exe and rnrcs.exe source code.
     三个C语言写的文件,[Download ALl]

17.  发送和接收多播数据包的代码,代码大家可以研究研究
     Demonstrates sending and receiving muliticast packet.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

18.  是关于QOS的几个应用程序的源代码
     qosmcast.exe, qostcp.exe and qosudp.exe source code.
     三个C写的程序,[Download ALl]

19.  Windows下的ping、traceroute和iphdrinc的源代码!
     iphdrinc, ping and traceroute source code.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

20.  LSP、NSP服务:(
     Lsp, Nsp service sample.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl],有4.18Mb!

21.  非常好的东西,一个很好的使用winsock控制TCP和UDP端口的例子!
     A sample of Winsock Control TCP and UDP.
     With VB Source!, [Download ALl]

22.  一个使用RasDial API创建一个RAS连接的例子
     A app of RAS connections to a remote server by using the RasDial API.
     一个C++写的程序,[Download ALl]


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